Deputy chief minister Sushil Kumar Modi on Tuesday said, the government was determined to use social and legal initiatives, including extreme measures like sustained hike in taxes, to dissuade the public from their addictive habit of using tobacco and its products in the state.
Talking to newsmen, after his janata durbar, Modi said, Such measures have become necessary, as a recent survey by Global Adult Tobacco Survey 2009-2010 has indicated, that more than half of the population (53.5%) has fallen prey to the use of tobacco products.
The situation is alarming.
Though the percentage of
cigarette and bidi smokers is only 5.9% and 8.4%, tobacco and guthka chewers are pegged at 48.07%.
Even the percentage of male and female users is 66.2% and 40% respectively.
It is time to make youngsters aware of the danger and dissuade them,h he said, adding, November 7 will be observed as oath taking day in all private and public schools as a first step.
I will use my position as the head of empowered committee of finance ministers on GST to recommend a substantial hike in taxes on cigarettes and tobacco products as a deterrent.
In the state, we have already started the process by hiking the rate of VAT. It is currently at 20%, up from 13.5% last yearh, he said.
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