понедельник, 4 июля 2011 г.

Councilor urges ban on cigarette sales to minors

cigarettes to minors

CITY councilor Caesar Distrito filed a resolution that seeks to stop the selling of cigarettes to minors.

The resolution has requested the Philippine National Police, the City Health Office and the Ordinance Enforcement Unit-City Legal Office thru the Office of the Honorable City Mayor Evelio R. Leonardia to strictly implement R.A. 9211, an act regulating the packaging, use, sale, distribution and advertisements of tobacco products and for other purposes” so as to stop the selling of cigarettes to minors by any establishment, including sari-sari stores, cigarette vendors, bars situated outside the school premises, public playgrounds and any places in the city frequented mostly by minors.
Article II, Section 15 of the Philippine Constitution states that the State shall protect and promote the right to health of the people and instill health consciousness among them.

Section 2 of Republic Act 9211 otherwise known as the “Tobacco Regulation Act of 2003”, states that it is the policy of the State to protect the populace from hazardous products and promote the right to health and instill health consciousness among them and that the government shall institute a balanced policy whereby the use, sale, and advertisements of tobacco products shall be regulated in order to promote a healthful environment and protect the citizens from the hazards of tobacco smoke.

As being observed, most of the public playgrounds, internet shops, parks and places frequented mostly by minors in the city of Bacolod, cigarette vending to minors is being done freely by stores, establishments and rolling stores.

Based on many observations, most of the stores and establishments in Bacolod City are not complying with the provisions of Republic Act 9211 which prohibits the sale of cigarette to minors, entitled “An Act Regulating the Packaging, Use, Sale Distribution and Advertisements of Tobacco Products and for other Purposes.”

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