среда, 8 августа 2012 г.

Lack no-smoking enforcement angers parents

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When I located the source, he was sitting behind our opponent’s bench and not only was he smoking, he was also drinking beer openly. I went to the security booth and advised the young lady of the infraction and she had a look of shock on her face. She advised me “I do not have any authority and do not know who to call, maybe the works department. There is a large fine for smoking.” Realizing nothing was going to be done, I went back to the soccer pitch and discussed the outcome with my husband.

The man was still smoking and was on his second beer, according to my husband. It was at this time I called Peterborough police and gave dispatch a description of the man and where we were. Dispatch wanted to know when the game was over and I advised them 8:30 p.m. Dispatch said an officer would be sent. We waited the entire game for an officer and all the time the culprit was smoking and drinking beer openly. By the time the game was finished, and because this was a low-priority call, no officer arrived and the man had consumed at least four beers, that we are aware of, in an hour and 30 minutes.

This man broke two laws -- smoking in a city park and drinking in public. Also, due to lack of police personnel, in part because Mayor Bennett would not give Chief Murray Rodd the funds for additional officers, there was an impaired person driving a vehicle on the streets. Is this what the mayor wants to create for the City of Peterborough? Why is there no one enforcing the bylaw when there are sport games being played? The second-hand smoke from this smoker affected a player to the point where an inhaler had to be used. This matter needs to be addressed now, not six months or a year from now or election year, but now.

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