среда, 23 мая 2012 г.

Lorillard Tobacco CEO Speaks on E-Cigarette Acquisition

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Lorillard's recent acquisition of an electronic cigarette company has brought the often-thought niche product to the forefront. Now, Lorillard CEO Murray Kessler talks with Ecig Advanced, an electronic cigarette news and review website, in an interview on the purchase of Blu E-Cigs and their plans to market and sell the brand. The interview, recorded during the Tobacco Merchants Association annual meeting, was concordant with much discussion at the event of tobacco harm reduction through what are now being referred to as "Modified Risk Tobacco Products".

Electronic cigarettes deliver nicotine in a vapor form without the tar and carcinogens found in traditional cigarettes and are quickly rising to the top of the market for smoke-free tobacco alternatives. According to the interview article, Kessler was the keynote speaker at the event, detailing Lorillard's confidence in the future of harm reduction products like e-cigarettes. Ecig Advanced expressed some surprise that the CEO was concerned with "knee jerk state regulation", a valid concern in their opinion, saying that it's "a story we’ve already heard all too often in the e-cigarette world".

And because Kessler states in the interview that Lorillard has met with the FDA directly regarding e-cigarettes, the article also expresses hope it holds some promise for the future of the devices: "Whether Lorillard can use its experience and size to work toward a better future for federal regulation with the FDA remains to be seen, but we have to say we like what we’re hearing so far." The full video interview and attached article can be viewed here. Another article by Ecig Advanced on key takeways for e-cigarettes from this year's Tobacco Merchants Association meeting can be found here.

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