среда, 21 сентября 2011 г.

Man steals cigarettes from behind the counter at Kangaroo Express, employee reports

steals cigarettes

A Kangaroo Express employee told police that a man came into the store Monday night and stole cigarettes from behind the counter.

According to an incident report, the man went into the convenience store on Main Street and came behind the counter while the employee had her back to the cash register.

The man grabbed several cartons of cigarettes, looked at the woman and said, “Remain calm. Open up the cash register,” the report said.

The man took about $60 worth of cigarettes and $225 from the cash register and ran out the door, dropping a carton of cigarettes outside.

The man is described as black with dark skin, 35-40 years old, 5 feet, 7inches tall and weighing 140 pounds. He was wearing a blue or black T-shirt, dark-colored ball cap and denim shorts, the report said.

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