четверг, 7 июля 2011 г.

San Marcos seeks input on proposed smoking ban

public smoking

San Marcos is moving forward with the process to put a non-binding initiative on the November ballot to ban smoking in public places, and the first steps include soliciting feedback from the public.

City Council members on Tuesday discussed the options for creating a public smoking policy, options which included taking no action, having the council vote on a city ordinance amendment or placing either a binding or non-binding initiative on the November ballot.

A binding initiative would allow residents to vote on the ballot language that would be approved by a majority vote. In a non-binding initiative, residents would vote on the concept of a public smoking ban, then the language would go before the council for direction and approval.

City Manager Jim Nuse said this process is ideal for the city to receive feedback from the public before taking action.

"This allows council to get a lot of public input and start understanding what this will look like," Nuse said. "It's an opportunity for the community to let the council know their input in the purest form available—by voting."

Nuse said it is important to hear from stakeholders because the issue of a public smoking policy has many facets.

"The council creates opportunities for unique issues to allow the public to weigh in," Nuse said. "It has many significant impacts—personal freedoms are at stake, businesses are at stake, peoples' healths are at stake."

City Clerk Jamie Pettijohn said they are in the process of finalizing the locations for the public meetings that are tentatively scheduled for July 18 at the Tap Room, 129 E. Hopkins St., Ste. 120, and July 21 at the San Marcos Activity Center, 501 E. Hopkins St.

"One will be geared toward proponents and one for opponents (of the ban)," Pettijohn said.

Pettijohn said they scheduled the two public forums to receive input on the initiative after receiving direction from the City Council, but more could be held if public interest determines they are warranted.

Council will call for the election at its Aug. 2 meeting. Sept. 6 will be the last possible council meeting to amend the language and add the item to the November ballot.

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