вторник, 28 июня 2011 г.

Smokers swap cigarettes for Kronic

Kronic cigarettes

Rotorua residents are swapping cigarettes for the synthetic drug Kronic and some locals say claims about possible serious side-effects have been blown out of proportion.

The American inventor of synthetic cannabis, Professor John Huffman, has warned against using the new legal high, saying it could lead to serious psychological problems which may not be reversible.

Dianne Dairy and Deli manager Shami Singh, who began stocking Kronic after numerous requests for it, said it was customers' choice to buy it.

"It's the same with cigarettes," he said.

Some customers had told him they had stopped smoking cigarettes in favour of Kronic.

Mr Singh said he was not aware of any serious side-effects but staff kept an eye out for any new information on the drug.

"If it's banned, we just won't sell it.

"There'll still be other [synthetic drugs] people can buy."

A Rotorua teenager, who did not wish to be named, said she had never had a bad experience while using Kronic and the latest reports would not deter her from using it.

"I don't really care, I'd still do it."

The 18-year-old said she did, however, know of some people who had "tripped out too much" while using it.

"I know some people who refuse to touch it now."

But she said she believed some people just reacted differently to the product.

Skingraft owner David Young said he believed many stories about Kronic were "blown way out of proportion".

He said he had many regular customers who used Kronic and did not experience any side-effects.

"Any time any little thing happens [the story] is blown way out of proportion."

Mr Young said people who became ill after using Kronic could have used it as a scapegoat.

"I'd like to know what else was in their system."

He said he was not sure if banning Kronic was the answer but believed manufacturing of the drug should be regulated.

He said the Government could also look at licensing it so retailers would need a licence to sell it.

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