среда, 1 июня 2011 г.

Local Students Rally Against Big Tobacco

Students from Jefferson and Lewis County gathered in front of Case Junior High School to protest tobacco ads.
The protest was held by TPACC and Reality Check youth advocates in recognition of World No Tobacco Day.

The group gathered blindfolded with a message to tobacco companies saying that they have seen enough.

“We came out here today because we want big tobacco to stop advertising their products, with their billboards and everything else in the stores and drug stores, so the youth don’t see it” said Reality Check youth advocate Tyler Stevenson.

The group of approximately 70 students stood together chanting “We’ve seen enough” to demonstrate their frustration with the tobacco companies that display advertising near eye level and near the candy sections.

“A lot of my friends starting smoking at the age of 15 and it has ruined their lives,” said Reality Check youth advocate Michael Ozkan. “I want to help others stop that.” Ozkan contined that he feels tobacco companies are targeting only the youth of the nation. “It needs to stop. Adults know where to buy their cigarettes.”

The goal of the protest was to urge local stores to take down the tobacco advertising and put the cigarettes where they are not easily viewed by youth.

Thanks to TPACC and Reality Check local Price Choppers have taken down all their tobacco advertising and now hide cigarettes behind the customer service desk.

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