пятница, 20 мая 2011 г.

Store sets an example on a cigarette advertising

cigarette advertising

During a recent visit to my local Price Chopper, I noticed something that was quite surprising to me. I was pleased to see that they have chosen to cover up their tobacco displays.

As a member of the Massena Rotary, I recently sat through a presentation on tobacco and learned some alarming information about the link between exposure to tobacco marketing and youth smoking habits. Before the information was presented to our group, I had never really thought about cigarette advertising because I don't smoke, and therefore I don't pay attention to tobacco advertising.

After seeing some photos of the new tobacco products (flavored cigarettes, etc.) and the way that they are packaged and displayed in our stores, I could see how this type of exposure could play a role in enticing kids to try one of those products.

It's good to see that Price Chopper has placed their tobacco products behind cabinet doors and out of view of the shopping public. Thank you, Price Chopper, for the positive effect you're having on our community. I'll be proud to do my shopping at a store that shows such concern for our children's future.

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