среда, 27 апреля 2011 г.

Pack of Cigarettes Stolen at Gunpoint

Cops collided with a robbery suspect in South Sacramento after the man allegedly stole a pack of cigarettes at gunpoint.

Around 4 a.m. Tuesday, Sacramento County Sheriff’s Deputies were called to a home along Bowling Drive. The victim said a masked man in dark clothing robbed him at gunpoint, and got away with just a pack of cigarettes.

When deputies arrived, they found a man matching the suspect description riding a bike down the street, so the patrol car followed him. The patrol car crashed into the bike, but before deputies could arrest the suspect, he was able to run away.

A perimeter was put up around the neighborhood for a few hours Tuesday morning to trap the suspect, however he was able to get away.

The gun allegedly used in the robbery was found across the street from the victim’s home in the front yard.

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